Marriage advice: To stop breakup and save married life relationship for men and women.

Do you know what are those conditions or situations because of which your relationship has come to this stage. Are you aware whatever has happened, it is only your partner fault but you too are equally responsible for it. I know it might be very hard for you to believe it,
But my dear friend listen and try to understand In life when our partner is judging us or confronting us with something he or she doesn't like about us or about what we are doing, the natural response which comes from us is a defensive one, which is how the most of arguments started.

we naturally give defensive response because we don't want to make any changes in us as we think that whatever we are doing is right and their is no need to make any changes. Similar is the situation with your partner when you wish something from him.

Actually this all happens because we all are created by the same God and he has blessed us with the free will to enjoy the freedom of life. This free will is the very reason because of which we all are differ from each other. Each one of us has its own way of thinking, speaking, behaving and his own like and dislikes in life.

The root cause of every failing relationship is the arguments which might be on any topic. and the very best way to avoid it is to be ready for the changes in self and expect less changes in your partner. I know it is always not possible to make changes in self or in your partner, but whenever such conditions arises give a genuine solid reason for the same in the way your partner understands it.

And always remember one thing in life "Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself the moment you start making changes in yourself you will find the world around you start changing.

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