Top 6 Mistakes People Make in Social Situations

#1 - Appearing Needy
I've seen it at dozens of parties - a person earns some social credit by having a pleasant conversation with a stranger... but then they won't end the conversation gracefully, or even "trail" their new "friend" around. Other ways of appearing needy include griping about an invitation you didn't receive, trying to invite yourself to social events, etc. Always avoid appearing needy, it is the number one killer of social credit!

#2 - Appearing Nosy
Asking someone new how they earn their living, if they are married or single, or anything about their income is a game-losing move. Another killer I see all too often is asking a young person, usually 18-25, if they are in school. Many times, they *are not*, and how do you think you come off when they answer "no"?

#3 - Using a Poor Voice
We've all heard this many times, and should strive to avoid it at *all* times. Be wary of letting your face trail off or speaking in a monotone - and always do your best to talk *to* the other person, not *at* them!

#4 - Not Listening
Not listening, or appearing not to be a good listener, will stop any efforts at Social Control. I know firsthand how boring some people can be, but at least learn how to appear to be a good listener.

#5 - Failing to control your emotions
Anyone that appears too sensitive is likely to be mocked and ridiculed. If others are being gratuitously offensive, you must always appear to be unaffected by their behavior.

#6 - Not appearing sophisticated
When meeting new people many tend to appear too negative - or equally as bad, they appear too optimistic. Never confide your secret ambitions or goals to strangers at a party, as that can easily arouse feelings of envy or even hatred from whoever is listening to you. Boasting will not help you establish Social Control.

Hamilton Miller is the creator of "Elite Social Control" - discover more about the art of "Machiavellian Mingling" and obtain what you want from others at the elite social control.

By skillfully using the right words and actions, at the right time you can influence people .
That's the power of covert hypnosis!
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