Judging People? What are they thinking of me?

“Judging people” and isn’t judging the easiest thing to do? And how often do you walk around with the idea that people are judging you? And would you take it from me that it is exactly that what is destabilizing your self-esteem? Well, it is.
You’ll have to understand the mechanism behind it, before you become aware of the cruel effects it has on us.

Judging in it self has surely evolved and grown. I regard it as a virus in today’s society that is causing traumas to so many young people. Forced by the moneymaking media to live up to unrealistic standards.

Creating illusive and thus eluding ideals for people to believe to regard as their goals. When you have made it your habit to have an opinion on people just by their looks or how they act, and your at it all the time, you can count on the fact that in your own mind the believe has manifested itself that you are too being judged all the time.

From this believe comes the inner-dialog that makes you the neurotic you are. “What are they thinking of me? How do I come across?” Catch my drift?

These questions will feed the imbalance of your self-esteem. When you have any doubt about how you come across, these questions, originating from your own habit to judge others, will enforce these doubts, as they are the answer to those same questions.

Your mind will only provide you with answers you taught it to come up with! Connected to this self doubt and imbalance of self-esteem is the non-fluency.

So do your math, make the calculation, see the formula. Judging is linked to whatever makes you non-fluent. Once you stop judging others, the belief of being judged will alter and therefore your non-fluency as well.

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